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A warm  welcome to you dear brother/Sister of English language to the Web Site of Badia di Cava, which is a cultural enrichment for your life. This Abbey has been founded in 1011 from a  nobleman called Alferio from the city of Salerno, South Italy, and is the only Monastery in the world, that from the day of its  foundation till today it has been always inhabited by the  Benedictine Monks without  any interruption. For such a reason, the treasures of every kind are conserved here, that it deserves to be visited . Also for this reason, if you come to Italy, we would be honoured to receive and show you  our treasures of art, culture, architecture and of holiness. While,  greeting you  with our  Monastic motto  “PAX” peace to you, peace to your friends and  family. Acknowledging the distinguished wishes, from the monks of the Abbey of the Holy Trinity(Abbazia della SS.Trinità) of Cava de' Tirreni, Salerno, Italy.


Visite guidate

Abbazia Benedettina SS. Trinità Via M. Morcaldi, 6 Badia di Cava

info: 347 1946957

email: visiteguidate@badiadicava.it


9: 00 - 10:00 - 11:00 – 12:00
Per gruppi è possibile concordare orari diversi .

La visita prevede :
- Basilica /Cappella dei SS.Padri Cavensi /Grotta di Sant Alferio
- Antiche Cappelle con paliotto XI sec.
e sculture di Tino di Camaino XIV sec.
- Chiostro romanico XIII sec
- Sala del Capitolo Antico XIII sec.
- Cripta XII sec.
- Cimitero longobardo
- Cappella di San Germano XIII sec.
- Museo
- Sala del Capitolo nuovo

Visitatori on line

 24 visitatori online


Hits visite contenuti : 1526798


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